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Discount 10 Nucs $2250.
Indiana Honey Bees
1984 W State Rd 10
Lake Village, IN, 46349
Nucleus (NUC) colony includes overwintered mated/laying IHB breeding stock queen, 4-5 seams of bees, plus brood in all stages, 5 frames, 85% drawn comb, some frames may be new with fresh drawn comb, adequate resources, in a transfer box of our choice, typically a Jester EZ nuc, ProNuc, or other similar. They will be treated for VM or below treatment threshold. Pick up only. Pick up date will likely be May 10th, depending upon weather. I consider these the best investment in bees you can buy.
Our hatch rates are near perfect and we hatch healthy quality duckling. During season Pekin duckling are hatched weekly $5/straight run. Ancona are hatched bimonthly $5/each straight run. Call for availability and to reserve. 219-616-4867
We offer open mated Sebastopol Goslings from, smooth, full curl, and color lines. Their slightly smaller size will make for a beautiful addition to your farm or estate. $100/each straight run. We only produce a limited number of these gosling. Call to get on the waiting list. 219-616-4867
At Indiana Honey Bees for sale, we are dedicated to providing our customers with the finest award winning honey products. Our honey is 100% pure and natural, harvested from our own hives and carefully processed to retain all of its natural goodness. We offer a wide range of hive products, including raw pollen, honey, and creamed honey. We also offer beeswax candles that are handmade using pure beeswax. Our products make perfect gifts for any occasion, and are sure to impress even the most discerning honey lovers.
We sell mated and laying Indiana Italian hybrid queens
When you need a queen with proven performance, I've got the queen for you. Each queen I produce is from hand selected queen-side genetic and raised in full 5 frame nuc, being fed only honey from our apiary and never syrup or sugar waters. Once they begin laying, I inspect the pattern and if it is excellent, then she is ready to serve your colony.
Conveniently located between I-65 and U.S. 41 on State Road 10. Primarily serving North & Central Indiana plus Northeast Illinois
If there is no open egg, larva, or capped brood, you've probably been without a queen for a long time and need to get a mated queen introduced immediately.
Stress, poor health, lack of open cells to lay in, along with unknown failing queen issues contribute to these events. If your population is dwindling when there are cells to lay eggs in, it may be time to consider requeening before the population gets critical.
Open the hive and place the queen cage on top of the frames and watch them for a few minutes. If they are trying to sting her or act aggressive, DO NOT LEAVE HER IN THE HIVE. If they are calm and curious, crawling over the cage poking around, then it's very likely they will accept her. Go ahead and pull off the cap for the candy release side and put her between 2 frames in the center of the brood box. This allows them to get acquainted before she is released by the workers as they eat through the candy gate. Check back in 3 days to see if they have released her. Chances are they have and your colony is back on track again.
If your colony starts buzzing and acting angry when you introduce a new queen, you probably have a queen already in the hive. You need to locate it or be 100% sure there aren't two queens because one will kill the other.
To keep your hives strong and productive year after year, requeen every year. The first year of life is the most productive for a queen and after that, her performance tapers off. Consider splitting the old queen off to a nuc colony and moving it a good distance away. Leave your main hive queenless for 1-3 days so they realize they are queenless and are more accepting of the new queen you are going to introduce. After that 3-5 days, introduce the new queen in her queen cage and follow the other suggestions on this page. Open the candy gate, let the workers chew their way into her space to release her......and now you've got a healthy new queen that will get to work laying eggs and building your colony! Don't forget to check your hive for emergency queen cells and remove or destroy them.
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We appreciate reviews & ratings on Facebook and other sites like Google. I use them too when I decide who to do business with. I humbly ask that If I have provided good service, help me build trust with others by giving a review & rating. In the extremely rare instance you are not happy, please let me know so I can make it right. Every customer is also a friend. Every "like & share" helps
1984 W State Road 10, Lake Village, Indiana 46349, United States
You can find a number of proven methods we use to enhance our beekeeping success.
We can also point you to other great resources in the Northwest Indiana area, like
Illiana Beekeepers Alliance
Northwest Indiana Beekeepers Association
Kankakee, Illinois Kankakee River Valley Beekeepers Association
2nd Thursday each month at Illinois Extension office Bourbonais (Illinois)Will County Beekeepers Association, Illinois